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  • April 6, 2023
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Junior Clerk(BS-11) | Punjab Police Department | PPSC Past Interview

Question: How are you?

Answer: I am also fine sir.

Question: Introduce yourself?

Answer: introduce myself in Urdu.

Question: through which act police department working?

Answer : 2002 act.

Question: Initially act of police department?

Answer: 1857

Question: the importance of 1857?

Answer: war of independence in 1857.

Question: What is VLOOKUP functions in excel?

Answer: VLOOKUP stands for vertical Lookup. It is a function that makes excel search for a certain value in a column ( the so called ‘table array’), in order to retun a value from a different column in the same row.

Question:  Syntax of VLOOKUP formula?

Answer:  VLOOKUP ( value, table, col-index, [range-lookup])

Question: What is the Excel File Extension?

Answer: Excel workbook. Xlsx

Question: What is Mail Marge in MS word?

Answer: Mail Merge is a handy feature that incorporates data from both Microsoft word and Microsoft excel and allows you to create multiple documents at once, such as letters, savind you the time and effort of retyping the same letter over and over.

Question: What is the rand function in MS Word?

Answer: To create random text in Microsoft Word, try these options: To work with this feature, type= RAND() and hit [Enter]. The default is 5 paragraphs of 3 sentences each. To customize your text, type -= RAND(#of paragraphs, # of sentences) and press [Enter].

Question:  What is the difference between toolbar and ribbon?

Answer: toolbar is (graphical user interface)  row of buttons, usually marked with icons, used to activate the functions of an applications or operating system whle Ribbon is a long, narrow strip of material used for decoration of clothing or the hair or gift wrapping.

Question: How to Use to Excel Sheet value to another Sheet?

Answer:  To reference a cell or range of cells in another worksheet in the same workbook, put the worksheet name followed by an exclamation mark (!) before the cell address.

Question: What is important in Letter ( Top or Bottom or body)?

Answer: The  most important part of the letter is Body of the letter.

Question: Job responsibilities of Junior clerk?

Answer:  To do all typing work, To check and respond official emails, To operate computer in accordance with the standing instructions,  To maintain record of computer accessories and stationery,  To maintain and update systems properly.

Question: What is the virus?

Answer: A computer virus is a type of computer program that, when excuted, replicates itself by modifying other computer programs and inserting is own code.

Question:  World War one When started?

Answer: 1914.

Question: Treaty of versails?

Answer: 1919

Question: World war two started?

Answer: 1939

Question World war two ended?

Answer: 1945

Question: Hitler belongs to which party?

Answer: Nazi party

Question: Autobiography name of Hitler?

Answer: Mein Kamf.

Question: Writer of My Struggle?

Answer: Hitler.

Question: when League of nation established?

Answer: 1920.



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