Which mountain range is located in Sindh Province?
Answer Detail
Which mountain range is located in Sindh Province? Which mountain range is located in Sindh Province? A. Himalaya B. Karakoram Range C. Kirthar Range D. Salt Range
Which mountain range is located in Sindh Province? Which mountain range is located in Sindh Province? A. Himalaya B. Karakoram Range C. Kirthar Range D. Salt Range
The highest peak of the Salt Range is? A. Nanga Parbat B. Skaser C. Malka Parbat D. Everest
Which pass connects Pakistan with Afghanistan? A. Khunjerab Pass B. Khyber Pass C. Tochi Pass D. Gomal Pass
In which year Syed Jamal-u-din Afghani died? A. 1895 B. 1896 C. 1897 D. 1898
In which year Syed Jamal-u-din Afghani died? A. 1895 B. 1896 C. 1897 D. 1898
In which year Ali Garh Trusteeship bill was passed? A. 1886 B. 1887 C. 1888 D. 1889
Who was the first President of the All-India Muslim League? A. Sir Agha Khan B. Nawab Waqar ul Mulk C. Nawab Saleem ullah Khan D. None of them
Who was the Viceroy of India at the time of the partition of Bengal? A. Lord Curzon B. Lord Wavell C. Lord Minto D. Lord Algan partition of Bengal, (1905), division of Bengal carried out by the British viceroy in India, Lord Curzon, despite strong Indian nationalist opposition.
In which of the following cities All India Muslim League was found? A. Delhi B. Lahore C. Dhaka D. Allahabad
Safa Marwa is located in the? (A) Mecca (B) Madina (C) Jedah (D) None of these Safa-Marwa is located in the city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia. It is a part of the Masjid al-Haram, the holiest mosque in Islam. And is also known as Al-Safa and Al-Marwah. Muslims traverse the area between Safa and Marwa during the Hajj pilgrimage as a part of the ritual known as Sa'i.