Home High School Teacher Jobs OCHS – JAG-KY teacher

OCHS – JAG-KY teacher

Posted on May 25, 2024
Jag Ky Specialist Job DescriptionIdentifies, recruits, and instructs students needing additional assistance in transitioning from high school into post-secondary education, military or the world of work.

The JAG KY Comprehensive Job Specialist (Teacher) Will

  • Have a valid teaching certificate or adjunct certification.
  • Be assigned 100% of an ordinary workday to implementing the Jobs for America’s Graduates model.
  • Have 3-4 scheduled JAG KY classes daily.
  • Have at least TWO (2) class periods per day for planning, coordinating services, completing required daily ENDMS documentation, marketing, business communications and home-visits, as necessitated.
  • Complete special projects and duties as assigned by program management.
  • Basic knowledge of computer technology and data input.
  • Ensure positive perceptions of the JAG KY program within schools by developing and maintaining effective working relationships with school personnel including teachers, administrators, students, and Advisory Committee.
  • Advocate for the program and develops a pool of effective community support resources by working with employers, parents, civic groups, and legislators to build awareness of and support for JAG KY.
  • Maintain a classroom enrollment of no less than 45 students and no more than 65 per site comprised of only registered JAG KY students.
  • Identify and recruit students in grades 9-12 with a minimum of four (4) barriers who will benefit from the program model.
  • Coordinate activities with community agencies to assist in meeting individual student needs.
  • Provide individual, group and career counseling for all students served.
  • Participate in ALL required JAG KY meetings, trainings, professional development workshops, and the JAG National Training Seminar (NTS).
  • Complete ALL necessary forms for enrollment and participation in JAG KY.
  • Create an Advisory Committee for the purpose of recommending and referring participants to the JAG KY program.
  • Provide instruction for all students utilizing the JAG program model
  • Implement JAG model curriculum and ensures students achieve specific competencies through classroom instruction including lecture, hands-on activities, team teaching, project-based learning.
  • Utilize leadership, teamwork, soft-skills development, community service, competitive events, PBL to effectively deliver the JAG model.
  • Tailor instruction and intervention strategies to the individual needs of each student.
  • Conduct parent-teacher conferences twice yearly (can be held in conjunction with school-sponsored PT conference).
  • Administer the Jobs for America’s National Pre and Post-Test to all JAG KY participants in order to determine progress.
  • Provide follow-up services in finding and maintaining quality employment and/or post-secondary educational opportunities upon graduation.
  • Develop a plan for success with non-graduates to ensure effective transition to GED, employment or additional educational services.
  • Submit all required JAGforce programmatic documentation (i.e., student profiles, model services, Pre-ETS, Medicaid) in a timely manner. Failure to do so may result in specialist or program suspension.
  • Commit to documenting daily model services on the JAGforce National Data Management System for every JAG KY participant, including correct attendance, allocation of time, competencies taught and classroom instruction.
  • Commit to providing twelve (12) months of communication and follow-up contact with every program graduate.
  • Secure and properly file all student records.
  • Compile data and complete reports necessary for program operation.
  • Commit to establishing and coordinating a functional JAG KY Student Career Association.
  • Provide students with opportunities for field trips and guest speakers.
  • Host a JAG KY Officer Initiation and Installation Program.
  • Participate in local, regional, state and national student competitive and leadership events, as available.
  • Market JAG KY to local employers, business and industry through one-on-one communication, student/specialist presentations, classroom speaker opportunities, and news and social media.
  • Task a two-member site-specific Tech Team with the responsibility of taking and submitting weekly photos to the JAG KY Social Media Manager.
  • Administer at least ONE site specific JAG KY Social Media Site (i.e., FB, Twitter, Instagram).
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