10 Longest Rivers in the World
we are going to discuss the 10 longest rivers in the world. The river is the natural source of water which flow from the upper point to the lower point. Usually, we have seen that it begins in snow areas or hilly areas. The river takes water from small sources like small streams. Streams take water from the snow-covered mountain. Snow is converted into the water when it faces the heat of the sun. The river makes its way by itself with the help of water power. let’s explore the world’s top 10 longest rivers.
Top 10 longest Rivers
· Nile River
· Amazon River
· Yangtze River
· Mississippi River
· Yenisei River
· Yellow River
· Ob-Irtysh River
· Parana River
· Congo River
· Amur River
Nile River
The Nile is the 1st longest river in the list of the 10 longest rivers in the world. The word Nile is derived from the Greek letter Neilos which means valley and the Latin word Nilus. The Arabic language is called Nahr Al-Nil. The Nile is the longest river in the world with a length of 6650 kilometers. It crossed into 11 countries of Africa continent. These countries are mainly Egypt, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, Congo, Rwanda, Tanzania, Burundi, and Eritrea. This river is more beneficial for Egyptians because they started growing crops on the banks of the Nile river instead of in other country peoples. In these eleven countries, it’s a major source of water. The Nile is divided into two parts the White Nile and the Blue Nile. It began at lake Victoria and flowed towards the Mediterranean Sea.
Amazon River
Amazon river is 2nd longest river in the world with a range of 6400 kilometers. Its origin is Peru which is accepted since almost the 1700s. it covers about 6.7 million sq km of south America and almost 60% of the brazil rainforest. Other countries are Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, Guyana, Peru, Venezuela, Surname, and, French Guiana. It has more flow of water than the river Nile and you can say it’s bigger than the Nile River in case of water flow.
Yangtze River
Here we have the world’s 3rd largest river. Its length is 6300 km and it is in China. Yangtze river is the largest river in China as well as in Asia. Its name is derived from the word fiefdom which is called Yang. According to history, this river was found in the era of 440-770 BC. During this time three tribes settled in which Chu tribe, Ba, and Shu tribes. Its origin is Tibet, Plateau, and drops its water into the East China Sea. During its flow towards the sea, it crosses many cities and 10 provinces.
Mississippi River
According to the report of the geological department, this river began around 70 million years ago. It is 4th largest river in the world with a length of 6275 km. it is 2nd largest river in North America which starts from Lake Itasca and ends at the golf of Mexico. According to water discharge, it is the 15th largest river in the world with a capacity of 593003 cubic feet. It supplies water to almost 32 states of the US but passes through 10 states of the US and 2 provinces of Canada.
Yenisei River
It is the second-largest river in Asia and 5th in the world with a length of 5539 kilometers. This river is also called Enisei, Yenisey, and Ioanesi which means great river. It is also the 6th largest river according to the discharge of water. Yenisei flows between two countries Mongolia and Russia and its origin is in Mungaragiyn-Gol, Mongolia. It flows towards the Arctic Sea and the Kara Sea during its flow it crosses several cities and states of both countries.
Yellow River
Yellow river is the 6th largest in the world and the 3rd largest in Asia with a length of 5464 km which crosses seven provinces. it is located in China, and the Chinese refer to this river as the ‘Mother River. This river is not just a river for the chines but it originates the culture and civilization of chines early development. It also participated in chine civilization’s birthplace from 1046 to 2100 BC era. Its beginning point is in west China, Bayankala mountains.
Ob-Irtysh River
Crossing from three countries with a length of 5410 kilometers. It is the world’s 7th largest river, and its name is ob or Irtysh. These three countries are China from its start, Kazakhstan, and Russia where ultimately it drops its water into the Arctic Ocean. Its origin is in Asian Altai Mountain from China, and almost half of the year it remains frozen, the remaining time used for transportation. Word Irtysh means earth-moving. Russian 3rd largest city is also located on the bank of this river and its name is Novosibirsk.
Parana River
With a length of 4880 kilometers here we have the world’s 8th longest river. This river cross three major countries in which Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina. Parana covers almost one M SQ miles which makes him 2nd largest river in South America. Parana river has the world’s largest Dam of hydroelectric. This river has around 355 species of fish. It originates from the junction of two rivers these are Paranaiba, and Rio Grande rivers.
Congo River
World’s 9th longest river with a length of 4700 km. Congo River is formerly known as the Zaire River in the area of central Africa. It is the second-largest river in Africa and it is the world’s deepest river. This river covers almost 1335000 sq miles of Congo, Zambia, Angola, and Tanzania. Its sources of water are the Chambeshi river, Great Rift Valley, Lake Tanganyika, and Gates of hell. One of the main cities which is located on this river is Kisangani city of Congo. In the end, it drops its water into the Atlantic Ocean. Congo river is the largest source of hydroelectric power, and its most important and viewable site is Livingstone falls.
Amur River
Amur river is the world’s 10th longest river which is located in two countries China and Russia. Length of this river is 4480 km. Meaning of Amur River is a Black River in the Mangoli language they are called Kharanuren. It also has the Chinese name Heilong Jiang which means Black Dragon River. A Most important city on this river is the Russian city of Khabarovsk is located on this river. It starts from the chine’s province of Heilongjiang and the southern part of Siberia and then moves towards the Tatar Strait. Amur river contains about a hundred species of fish. Mostly Mongol and Manchu groups lived around this river. This river stays at the last number in the list of the 10 longest rivers in the world.
are the 10 longest rivers in the world according to their length.
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