Posted on March 12, 2023
Jobs in the federal public service commission interested candidates may apply up to 20 march 2023. To apply you visit the official website of FPSC

01.  Research Officer (BS-17)

Total no of Posts 01 1. (Statistics, Sociology, Economics, Business administration, Math, commerce, and IR from any HEC-recognized university Master's degree in these subjects 2. The age limit for these posts is 22-28 3. These posts are for Only Sindh (Rural) and open merit
02.  Deputy Director (LAW) (BPS-18) 1   No of Posts 01 2        LLB or relevant degree from a recognized university 3      5-year experience 4     Age should be 25-35 with Five-year age relaxation
03.  Assistant Deputy District Prosecutor (BPS-17) ·         Posts are 09 ·         Bachelor’s degree in law from HEC Recognized university ·         Age 22-30 ·         Quota Punjab =04, Islamabad=02, Sindh(rural)=01, Sindh(urban)=01, KPK=01
04.  Store Officer 01 No posts Minimum C grade in Master/Bachelor or equal Qualification 20-28 age limit Punjab (Open Merit)
05.  Assistant Director (Investigation) (BS-17) d. 30 posts e. C grade or B grade in Master's degree from an HEC-recognized University f. 22-28 age limit g. Merit=02, Punjab=15 (open merit=13, women=01, Minorities=01), Sindh(R)=03, Sindh(U)=02, KPK=04 (open merit=03, Minorities =01), Baluchistan=02, Ex Fata=01, AJK=01
06.  Inspector (Investigation) (BS-16) 44 posts The minimum physical standard for males is 5’-6 in height, chest 32”-331/2, and for females is 5’-2 in height, 5-year age relaxation with a 20–28-year age limit Merit=03, Punjab=21 (open Merit=19, Women=01, Minorities=01), Sindh(R)=05, Sindh(U)=02, KPK=04 (open merit=03, Minorities =01), Baluchistan=02, Ex Fata=01, AJK=01
07.  Dietitian (BS-16)
  1. ·         02 posts
  2. ·         Food Science in (Nutrition, Technology), Dietetics, and Human Nutrition with C grade or second class
  3. ·         Age limit for this post is 20-28
  4. ·         Quota against for these (Punjab=01, Sindh(U)=01)
08.  Experimental Officer (BS-16)
  1. ·         Vacancies =01
  2. · Bachelor's degree in Chemical Technology/Chemistry with a C/B grade
  3. ·         This post for Baluchistan
  4. ·         With 5-year age relaxation 22-28

09.  Project Manager (BS-17)

  1. ·         No of Posts=05
  2. ·         Qualification should be in Social Science master's degree
  3. ·         These posts are only for Gilgit
  4. ·         The age limit is 22-30
10.  Principal/Vice Principal/Headmaster (BS-19)
  1. ·         32-40 years age limit with five-year age relaxation
  2. ·         B.Ed. with Second/C grade Master degree
  3. ·         Experience required for this post is 12-year
  4. ·         48 vacancies (Male)
  5. ·         These posts are only for Gigit including 45 open merits and 3 for Minorities
  6. ·         Candidates having a degree of M.Phil. or Ph.D. should be exempt from B.Ed.
11.  Physical Education Teacher (BS-16)
  1. ·         79 posts only for Gilgit
  2. ·         Minimum age should be 20 to 28 with five-year age relaxation
  3. ·         Degree in Health & Physical at least B or B grade with 2 years experience
12.  Principal/Vice Principal/Headmaster (BS-19)
  1. ·         32-40 years age limit with five-year age relaxation
  2. ·         B.Ed. with Second/C grade Master degree
  3. ·         Experience required for these posts is 12-year
  4. ·         10 vacancies (Female)
  5. ·         These posts are only for Gigit including 45 open merits
  6. ·         Candidates having a degree of M.Phil. or Ph.D. should be exempt from B.Ed.
13.  Senior Teacher/Principal/Headmaster (BS-18)
  1. ·         25-35 years age limit with five-year age relaxation
  2. ·         B.Ed. with Second/C grade Master degree
  3. ·         Experience required for these posts is 5 years
  4. ·         32 vacancies (Male)
  5. ·         These posts are only for Gigit including 27 open merits and 5 for Minorities
  6. ·         Candidates having a degree of M.Phil. or Ph.D. should be exempt from B.Ed.

14.  Senior Teacher/Principal/ Headmaster (BS-19)

  1. ·         32-40 years age limit with five-year age relaxation
  2. ·         B.Ed. with Second/C grade Master degree
  3. ·         Experience required for these posts is 05-year
  4. ·         17 vacancies (Female)
  5. ·         These posts are only for Gigit including 16 open merits and 01 for non-Muslims
  6. ·         Candidates having a degree of M.Phil. or Ph.D. should be exempt from B.Ed.
15.  Subject Specialist (BS-17)
  1. ·         With five-year age relaxation age should be 22-28
  2. ·         B.Ed. with Second/C grade Master degree
  3. ·         49 vacancies (Female)
  4. ·         Subjects (Biology=08, Chemistry=12, Computer Science=04, English=03, Mathematics=10, Physics=11, Urdu=01)
  5. ·         These posts are only for Gigit including 47 open merits & non-Muslims 02
  6. ·         Candidates having a degree of M.Phil. or Ph.D. should be exempt from B.Ed.
16.  Subject Specialist (BS-17)
  1. ·         With five-year age relaxation age should be 22-28
  2. ·         B.Ed. with Second/C grade Master degree
  3. ·         44 vacancies (Female)
·         Subjects (Biology=08, Chemistry=09, Computer Science=01, English=06, Mathematics=09, Physics=09, Pak-Studies=01, Islamiat=01) ·         These posts are only for Gigit including 42 open merits & non-Muslims 02 ·         Candidates having a degree of M.Phil. or Ph.D. should be exempt from B.Ed.

17.  Trained Graduate Teacher (Male) (BS-16)

·         With B.Ed. second/C grade bachelor’s degree ·         Same age limit 20-28 with 5-year age relaxation ·         162 posts (open merit=154, non-Muslim=08)  
18.  Trained Graduate Teacher (Female) (BS-16)
  • ·         With B.Ed. second/C grade bachelor’s degree
  • ·         Same age limit 20-28 with 5-year age relaxation
  • ·         60 posts (open merit=56, non-Muslim=04)
19.  System Analyst (BS-17)
  • ·         Master or Bachelor’s degree in any of these Information technology / Computer Science / Software Engineering minimum C/B grades
  • ·         30+5 age limit
  • ·         01 posts for Punjab
20.  Senior Scientific Assistant (BS-16)
  • ·         3-year experience and age limit 20-28+5
  • ·         04-year degree in Chemistry/Chemical Technology
  • ·         KPK (open merit=01)
21.  Transport Officer (BS-16)
  • ·         Diploma of DAE/Automobile/B.Tech with 02-year experience
  • ·         5-year age relaxation +20-28
  • ·         Only one post which is for Punjab
22.  Chief Psychologist (BS-20)
  • · Ph.D. in Psychology with 13-year experience
  • ·         Or M.Phil. with 15-year experience
  • ·         Or a Master's degree with 17-year experience
  • ·         Two research publications required in Journals
  • ·         37-45 + 5-year age limit
  1. Before applying you need to visit FPSC's official website and read General Instructions
  2. Jobs in the federal public service commission interested candidates may apply up to 20 march 2023. To apply you visit the official website of FPSC
  3. consolidated-Advertisement-No-3-2023_0 (1)

Rules for apply/Conditions

  • fpsc.gov.pk for online application submission
  • Edit your application before the last date of applying submission
  • Information submitted online will be treated as Final
  • Experience submitted online will be treated as final afterward this is not accepted
  • Apply on each post separately
  • No hard copy required
  • All those applicants who want to apply but have no internet facility send their documents on plain paper a share your difficulties
  • BS-17 to BS-18 fee will be Rs.300 & BS-18 fee Rs.750 & BS-19 fee is Rs.1200 and BS-20 fee is Rs.1500
  • Bank drafts, Cheque, and postal orders are not acceptable
  • After passing the test you need to submit two, two copies of the documents
  • In the test Original CNIC and Paid fee receipt is mandatory
Preparation for this job MCQS link NTS jobs Jobs in the federal public service commission interested candidates may apply up to 20 march 2023 Apply Now