Synonyms 1



Synonyms Meanings
1. Wheedle Deceive, Flatter
2. Anguish Agony
3. Abandon Vacate
4. Rebate Discount
5. Cheeky Impudent
6. Obdurate Stubborn
7. Devilish Satanic
8. Radiant Glowing
9. Infinitesimal Miniscule
10. Rookie A new recruit
11. Incessant Continuous
12. Adhere Stick-cling
13. Fanatical Obsessive
14. Pledge Promise
15. Adjacent Contagious
16. Engrossed Absorbed
17. Feasible Practicable
18. Ponder Think over
19. Catastrophe Disaster
20. Carnivore Meat eater
21. Bewilder Confuse
22. Serence Calm and peaceful
23. Enervate Weaken
24. Ditto The same
25. Eminent Famous
26. Ambiguous Unclear
27. Abase Degrade
28. Cataclysm Upheaval
29. Expedite Hasten
30. Magisterial Authoritative
31. Zealot Fanatic
32. Industrious Diligent
33. Frightened Afraid
34. Alma mater One’s college or


35. Respectful Honourable,

showing respect

36. Conjecture To guess
37. Cataclysm Catastrophe
38. Enigmatic Puzzling
39. Infallible Authentic, flawless
40. Transient Fleeting
41. Adversity Hardship
42. Benevolent Generous
43. Anonymous Nameless
44. Disparate Different
45. Emancipate To set free from


46. Canny Clever
47. Notion Belief
48. Craving Desire
49. Heterogeneous Diverse
50. Detestable Abhorrent
51. Assimilate Adapt
52. Indite Put into writing
53. Mendicants Beggars
54. Immense Vast
55. Luminous Bright
56. Reckless Rash
57. Reluctant Hesitant
58. Whip Beat
59. Vigilent Careful
60. Flimsy Fragile
61. Ragged Teased
62. Hush Silence
63. Conceited Proud
64. Craze Trend
65. Contraband Illicit
66. Paucity Scarcity
67. Gorgeous Magnificent
68. Sycophant One who flatter
69. Indigenous Native
70. Desiccated Dried
71. Infringe Breach
72. Grisly Horrible
73. Pragmatic Practical
74. Imminent Up-coming
75. Talent Ability
76. Zealot Fanatic
77. Delible A writing that can be


78. Inexplicable Can’t explain
79. To introduce ideas Instill
80. Less than Infra
81. To disfigure Deface
82. To hesitate Demure
83. A terrible sudden


84. Portmanteau Large box
85. Infringe Violate
86. Zest Pleasure
87. Insipid Stupid, Inane
88. Rescind Cancel
89. Tacit Silent
90. Garb Dress
91. Brazen Shameless
92. Sacrosant Sacred
93. Acrimonious Bitterness
94. Demise Death
95. Turpitude Repulsiveness
96. Nebulous Not clear, vague
97. Nostalgic Home sick
98. Forgery Cheat imitation
99. Apperil Clothes
100. Sluggish Slow
101. Climb Ascend
102. Hamper Impede
103. Arrogance Haughtiness
104. Annihilate Efface
105. Cumbersome Awkward
106. Advice Guidance
107. Audacious Courageous
108. Inquisitive Curious
109. Nebulous Vague
110. Calligraphy Handwriting
111. Incendiary Causing fire
112. Surmise Guess
113. Touchstone Criteria
114. Promptly Acting quickly
115. To wipe out Eradicate
116. Proletarian A member of labour


117. Rubicon Boundary limit
118. Abscond Escape
119. Chaos Disorder
120. Corpus Body
121. Dictate Impose

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