New words in English
  • admin
  • March 20, 2024
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New words in English with their Meanings

New Words in English with Their Meanings is an expansive assistant that investigates the wordbook of contemporary English. This asset is an important reference for people trying to remain current with the important development of the English language.

New Words in English with Their Meanings offers perusers a complete appreciation of late semantic turns of events. Enabling them to successfully explore and draw in the steadily changing scene of the English language. This companion serves individuals seeking to stay informed and linguistically adept, whether for scholarly, professional, or personal reasons.

New Words in English with their meanings


Sr# Word Meaning in Urdu Description
1 Angered ناراض fill someone with anger
2 Amotivation حوصلہ افزائی a reduction in the motivation to initiate or persist in goal-directed behavior
3 Unfathomed بے خبر not fully explored or understood
4 Shero شیر a woman admired or idealized for her courage
5 Quilling فیتے،لیس وغیرہ کے نلکی نما کنارے a piece of quilled lace or other fabric used as a trim
6 Pronoid احتیاط کا the belief that the world is conspiring to do good for you
7 Hygge چین a quality of cosiness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a feeling of contentment or well-being
8 Hellacious ناگوار very great, bad
9 Eco-anxiety ماحول کی پریشانی the chronic fear of environmental cataclysm that comes from observing the seemingly irrevocable impact of climate change
10 Denialist منکر

Someone who denies widely supported scientific or historical evidence.

11 Coulrophobia عزلت ترسی extreme or irrational fear of clowns
12 Comp بدلہ to give goods or services to someone without asking for payment
13 Angeliferous فرشتہ resembling an angel
14 Chillax آرام کرنا سکون کرنا calm down and relax
15 Blert بک دینا a fool
16 Awedde وہ ختم ہو گیا ہے۔ overcome with anger
17 Athleisure اٹلی a fashion trend characterized by athletic clothing that is both comfortable and aesthetically appealing
18 Angsting کَرب to feel or express anxiety
19 Abundance کثرت a very large quantity of something
20 Accentuate زور لگانا make more noticeable or prominent
21 Acquiesce تسلیم کرنا accept something reluctantly but without protest
22 Align سیدھ میں لانا place or arrange things in a straight line
23 Amend ترمیم کریں۔ make minor changes in a text to make it fairer
24 Annihilate فنا کرنا destroy utterly
25 Belated تاخیر سے coming later than expected

New English Words with Their Meanings, Part 2

26 Benediction خیریت the utterance or bestowing of a blessing
27 Berate مارنا scold or criticise someone angrily
28 Beseech التجا کرنا ask someone urgently to do something
29 Bestow عطا کرنا present an honour
30 Cease بند کرو bring or come to an end
31 Commence شروع کرنا Start
32 Compile مرتب کرنا produce (something, especially a list, report, or book) by assembling information collected from other sources
33 Conspiracy سازش a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful
34 Deduce نتیجہ نکالنا arrive at a conclusion by reasoning
35 Defer موخر کرنا Postpone
36 Discrete مجرد individually separate and distinct
37 Elucidate واضح کرنا make something clear
38 Enchant مسحور کرنا fill someone with great delight
39 Envisage تصور کرنا contemplate or conceive of as a possibility or a desirable future event
40 Facilitate سہولت فراہم کرنا make an action or process easy or easier
41 Henceforth اب سے from this time on or from that time on
42 Hereby اس طرح سے as a result of this document or utterance
43 Intrigue سازش arouse the curiosity or interest of
44 Mislay گمراہ unintentionally put an object where it cannot readily be found and so lose it temporarily
45 Optimum زیادہ سے زیادہ best or most conducive to a favourable outcome
46 Proximity قربت closeness in space, time
47 Reiterate دہرانا say something again or a number of times
48 Scrutinise چھان بین کرنا examine or inspect closely and thoroughly
49 Labyrinth بھولبلییا a place full of passageways and blind alleys so arranged as to make it difficult to find one’s way around

What Does WRYD Mean In Texting 2024?

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