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#general knowledge mcqs of pakistan

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gk mcqs



Which Muslim philosopher is called disciple of Plato and Aristotle…(Political Science PPSC 2022)

Answer Detail

Al-Farabi was known to the Arabs as the 'Second Master' (after Aristotle), and with good reason. It is unfortunate that his name has been overshadowed by those of later philosophers such as Ibn Sina, for al-Farabi was one of the world's great philosophers and much more original than many of his Islamic successors. A philosopher, logician, and musician, he was also a major political scientist

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Who said “Democracy is the Government of the people by the people and for the people…(Political Science PPSC 2022)

Answer Detail

Abraham Lincoln said, "Democracy is a rule of the people, for the people, and by the people". It means that democracy is a form of government in which the rulers are elected by the people. The citizens of the country elect the Government to rule the country and the elected government work for the welfare of the people.

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Who gave the six principles of Realism…(Political Science PPSC 2022)

Answer Detail

1. Political realism believes that politics is governed by objective laws with roots in human nature. 2. The main signpost of political realism is the concept of interest defined in terms of power which infuses rational order into the the subject matter of politics, and thus makes the theoretical understanding of politics possible. 3. Realism assumes that interest defined as power is an objective category which is universally valid but not with a meaning that is fixed once and for all. Power is the control of man over man. 4. Political realism is aware of the moral significance of political action. It is also aware of the tension between the moral command and the requirements of successful political action. Realism maintains that universal moral principles cannot be applied to the actions of states in their abstract universal formulation, but that they must be filtered through the concrete circumstances of time and place. 5. Political realism refuses to identify the moral aspirations of a particular nation with the moral laws that govern the universe. It is the concept of interest defined in terms of power that saves us from moral excess and political folly. 6. The political realist maintains the autonomy of the political sphere; he asks "How does this policy affect the power of the nation?" Political realism is based on a pluralistic conception of human nature. A man who was nothing but a "political man" would be a beast, for he would be completely lacking in moral restraints. But, in order to develop an autonomous theory of political behavior, "political man" must be abstracted from other aspects of human nature.

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