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  • April 6, 2023
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Junior Clerk(BS-11) | PPRA | PPSC Past Interview

Question: Your name is Hanan?

Answer: Yes sir

Question: what meaning of Hanan?

Answer: Merciful

Question: Which your subjects in BA.

Answer: English literature, IR, Economics.

Question: What is the theory of Unipolar and bypolar?

Answer: Unipolar depression is another name of major depressive disorder. The term unipolar means that this form of depression does not cycle through other mental  states, such as mania. In contrast, bipolar conditions cause periods of both depression and mania.

Question: When UNO established?

Answer: 24 october,1945.

Question: UNO Stands?

Answer: United Nation Organization.

Question: Members of UNO?

Answer: 193

Question: Before of Uno which organization established during the world war1?

Answer: League of Nation

Question: When League of Nations established?

Answer: 10 January,1920.

Question: How many member of security Council?

Answer: 15

Question: How many member are permanent?

Answer: 5

Question: name of permanent members of security council?

Answer: China, Russia, UK, France, USA.

Question: Which country can struggle for became the permanent member of security council?

Answer: India.

Question: Define the row and column in MS Excel?

Answer: A row is horizontal line of cells. Each row has a unique number that indentifies it. A column is  vertical line of cells.

Question: Define the Table?

Answer: A table has records rows and columns. Fields have different types of data, such  as text, numbers, dates, and hyperlinks.

Question: What is the alignment in ms word?

Answer: Alignment determines the appearance and orientation of the edges of the paragraph.

Question: How many types of alignment?

Answer; four types: left-aligned, right-aligned, center-aligned and justified.

Question: What is the difference in animation and transition in ms power point?

Answer: An animation is a special effect that applies to a single element on a slide such as text, a shape, an image, and so on. A transition is the special effect that occurs when you exit one slide and move on to the next during a presentation.

Question: What is the watermark?

Answer: Watermark is simply that image or text that appears mainly behind the main document.

Question: tell the three fonts style?

Answer: Regular, italic, bold and bolditalic.

Question: by default font style in ms word?

Answer: Calibri font.


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