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  • April 6, 2023
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Sub Inspector(BS-14) | Punjab Police | PPSC Past Interview

Question: Introduce yourself.

Answer: Introduce myself in English I did my master’s degree from BZU Multan.

Question: Ranking of BZU in Pakistan?

Answer: 9

Question: international ranking of BZU?

Answer: 1746

Question: International top 5 universities?

Answer: University of oxford, university of Cambridge, Stanford university, Harvard university

Question: who is rutherford?

Answer: Ernest Rutherford, is known as father of nuclear physics.

Question: When noble prize give to Rutherford?

Answer: 1908

Question: why give the noble prize Rutherford?

Answer: in collaboration with Frederick Soddy, he discovered that heavy atoms have a tendency to decay into lighter atoms.

Question: Difference between chemistry and bio chemistry ?

Answer: Simply put, chemistry is concerned with the properties of, and interactions between, all physical substances. Biochemistry is also concerned with the properties of matter, but only as they relate to living organisms.

Question: What is the difference between amino acids and protein?

Answer: amino acids are organic compounds that are made up of an amino group, a carboxylic group and a varying side chain. Proteins are nitrogenous macromolecules that are made up of chains of amino acids.

Question: Name of some disease causes of lake of protein?

Answer: Kwashiorkor

Question: Difference between bacteria and virus?

Answer: Bacteria are single cells that can survive on their own, inside or outside the body. Viruses cause infections by entering and multiplying inside the host’s healthy cells.

Question: Are you from Muzafrgarh?

Answer: Yes

Question: Which crimes are mostly in Muzafrgarh?

Answer: Robbery and Drugs.

Question: Are you read about the department?

Answer: Yeas

Question: Difference between Judiciary Remand and physical remand?

Answer: Physical custody of the accused is called in common language as physical remand and when an accused is sent to custody of police, by magistrate, it is called physical remand and. Whereas when the accused is sent to judicial lock up/jail, it is called judicial remand

Question: What is the Forensic Science?

Answer: Forensic science is a critical element of the criminal justice system. Forensic scientists examine and analyze evidence from crime scenes and elsewhere to develop objective findings that can assist in the investigation and prosecution of perpetrators of crime or absolve an innocent person from suspicion.

Question: Which first book write about the Holy prophet (P.B.U.H)?

Answer: Life of Muhammad (S.W).

Question: Writer of Life of Muhammad (S.W)?

Answer: Ibn e Rubani.

Question: When simon commission was made?

Answer: 1927

Question: members of simon commission?

Answer: 7

Question: head of simon commission?

Answer : Sir simon

Question: When simon commission report submitted?

Answer: May 1930

Question: When partition plan passed by British parliament?

Answer: 5 july 1947.

Question: When partition plan passed by queen?

Answer: 18 July 1947.

Question: Who killed the Gandhi?

Answer: Nathu Ram Gaudse.

Question: When the skindar mirza dissolve the parliament?

Answer: 7 October 1958.


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