Home NTS JOBS Instructor jobs in Pak Airforce

Instructor jobs in Pak Airforce

Posted on March 30, 2023
Instructor jobs in Pak Airforce are open now. These jobs include Mathematics, Physics, and English Vacancies.
  1. Mathematics Instructor
  •  o4-year education degree in Mathematics, BSc in Mathematics, or MSc in Mathematics with at least 2.5 CGPA or Second Division.
  1. Physics Instructor
  • For a physics instructor job, you have a degree in BS Physics, BSc in physics, or MSC in Physics with at least a second division or 2.5 CGPA
  1. English Instructor
  • For an English instructor job, you have a degree in BS English, BA in English, or MSC in English with at least a second division or 2.5 CGPA

Method for applying for these jobs Education Instructor jobs in Pak Airforce

  1. The first step is to register yourself
  2. The test will be computer-based and may include (analytical reasoning, Math, Physics, English, and personality test)
  3. Initial medical tests at selection centers and also conducted interview
  4. After selection, there will be a psychological test
  5. Centers, where interview are to be held, is Headquarter based selection board
  6. Selected candidates were sent to the Education college PAF Peshawar for further training. But at the center again a medical test is to be conducted if someone is found against the policy he will be terminated at this stage.
  1. Pakistani Males with an age limit of 22 years to 28 years.


A Pakistani national aged 15 and a half to 20 years until 25 December 2023 Education must be a Matric with 60% Marks and 33% marks in Physics, Chemistry, and Math. Numbers in English should not be less than 70 out of 150

Sports Man

Candidates having matric with 60% marks with the minimum mark in Physics, English, and chemistry are 33%. Marks in English should not be less than 50/150. Must get certificates from District level and Sports quota candidates should perform their duty with sports duty and as well as Trade duty.   Apply link www.joinpaf.gov.pk  


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